Tuesday, January 13, 2009

day two

My sweet little Gwenny bum! I can pour out the praise! But today I am going to tell you about how helpful my Gwenny Gwenny gumdrop is. After meals she always brings her dishes from the table and puts them in the sink-with out being told to! She is a master of please, thank you, may I be excused, excuse me, etc. She recently has learned how to help mommy clean the bathroom, and is so excited when she gets to brush the toilet. When we're around others who have babies, she goes gaga entertaining them and making sure the babies needs are met. And when we ask her what she wants to be when she grows up, she says a babysitter!


Rushele said...

What a precious little helper!!
I love polite children, and I have to say that my little Raegan isn't too bad either.
I am so excited for you that you can help with the bathrooms now, YAY!!!

Photography By Jo said...

That is sooo cute! I hope EmmaLee enjoys cleaning toilets when she gets older too.

Desiree Sanders said...

I too was very impressed by the dishes to the sink, and I think she will make an excellent babysitter. She was very helpful with baby zeke!

Lcurls said...

gosh, she is going to be a gorgeous babe when she grows up:) waaattchh out. haha i love gwen, shes always so helpful and has the cutest giggle ive ever heard!

Tawnya said...

Gwen looks awesome like that. You should do it more often.

Billy and Nikki said...

my eyes are truly teared up, I'm not sure if its because I remember gwenny when she was a little nugget, or if it's because we haven't seen you guys in way to long, or because I'm remind of how big my kids are getting. What a little sweetie to help you out so much. Thats darling that she wants to be a babysitter when she grows up!