Monday, April 09, 2007

Curleyhair Cabin Trip

It's that time of year again! Easter! That means that we head up to Pinedale for our Easter egg hunt! It's a tradition we've had in our family since we were kids, and now it's so much fun to see Gwen looking for eggs the same place I did when I was little. Andrew wasn't able to make it because he had work and a lot of home work, and Shand and Ethan are missing since they are on their missions. :) But it was awesome having Jessylee with us this year!

On the way up, Gwen decided that the shoes we packed for her were too small, so we stopped at the Dollar General in Heber to buy her some shoes. She fell in love with the Curious George flip flops, and even though we picked up a pair of closed toe camping shoes, she didn't take the flip flops off the whole time.

For Halloween last year, Drake was a caterpillar, convienently enough, his costume was basically a sleeping bag with a hood on it. So we brought it for him to sleep in. He was snug as a bug! Ha ha, I'm so witty!


Jennifer said...

Cute pictures! I love the little caterpillar!

Anonymous said...

You guys, I looooove that top picture! That is a crack-up. Kristin, your fam looks so fun! Glad you had a great Easter, so traditional :) I loved all the pics you posted.