Thursday, February 23, 2012


If I'm not wanting to kill this boy, I'm smothering him with kisses. Seriously, he has been all sorts of naughty and funny and sweet lately. Observe...

Here's my boy helping out at the ward service project.
Of course he was just so excited to use a shovel.
Look at this outfit.
Who doesn't love a little boy with a big puppy belly, and skinny little legs and hips?
(and really really stinky feet!!)
How about the school work he still brings home with pictures on the back?
bombs, tanks, hot lava pit, parachutes-
pirate ships and sharks-
And getting to wash this:
(don't look if easily offended)


Emily said...

Oh Kristin you're hilarious. Love Drake's pictures and shoveling.

Tara T said...

ha ha ha, gross. he is definitely all boy. and those drawing pictures are awesome!!! I'm gonna show Jack