Tara's been in town for the last week. And together we had hair appointments at a fancy Scottsdale salon. This is a big deal for me, because with the exception of about two hair cuts, I've cut my own hair for the last 10 years! So for the last couple weeks, I've been thinking of what I was going to do with my hair, and for about the last YEAR, I've been wanting bangs, but I had convinced myself that my hair was too thin to do bangs. So we go to our appointments, I mention my bangs curiosity, but he wants to do just long swooping bang type things and I agree! So I got home, was disappointed in myself for chickening out, and took out my scissors and cut my own bangs after finally getting my hair cut by someone else. But I like them! And Ryan SAYS he likes them too.

Okay, so the picture is only okay since my hair's in a pony tail. Let me try again.

Gwen's been so funny about my hair too. The first thing she said was "Oh, your hair is so pretty! You look like Hannah Montana!". Great. Then the next morning she says, "mom, you sound the same, but you look different". Silly girl.
Also, tomorrow my baby turns three! I've been kissing my two year old baby good bye all day today, getting ready to never have my two year old Drakey again.
You are gorgeous. And talented! I wish I could cut my own hair, but how do you do the back? NEhoo, I tried doing a long flowy center part thing, but my hair is not sexy enough. Maybe I'll try again later.
Super cute!!!!! I love the bangs on you!
I like that Gwen said you look like Hannah Montana. She's all the rage right now, huh?! I think you look 100 times cuter than she'll ever be though!
Happy Birthday to Drake! And good luck with a 3 year old. When Raegan turned 3 I thought I may have to lock her in her room for a year, it was terrible in the beginning. Such a strong willed litle sass!
Hello hot mamasita. It looks great!
You look great with bangs and it even makes your hair look thicker! You can pull off anything girl!
Your hair looks great!!!
you are so brave... but seriously it looks amazing as usual! Your hair looks very thick with that cut!
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