Wednesday, January 12, 2011

what I haven't been up to

How we've spent our Christmas break:

School starts again on Tuesday. I'm not ready to go back. I've loved this break too much. I STILL haven't read Mockingjay, and still haven't finished my cabinets, I still haven't completed my internship application paper. But I've snuggled my babies like crazy.

But this break will go out with a bang. My girl friend and I were planning on running the Rock 'n' Roll half this weekend, but she went and got pregnant dang it. (I'm really jealous) So I've talked Ryan into doing it with me. (running, not baby making) This will be his first half marathon. I'm excited!


Taylors said...

ha ha, that video is awesome. What a fun game

Amy said...

Love the video. So cute! Just looking at Drakes cute face makes me smile!