Friday, February 15, 2008

V day update

Tooot toot. That's right, I'm tooting my horn. I just have to let you all know that Ryan stepped it up this year. When I got back to my hotel room, I had a vase of gorgeous tulips waiting for me with a cd that he made. It's a recording of him singing our song. (Ben Harper's Fire and Ice) It was so sweet!! I totally cried and can't wait to get home tonight! Ryan, you're the best, thank you!!



Taylors said...

Those tulips are beautiful!!!! Are you going to take them with you on the plane?

IronLawGirl said...

No since I can't bring liquids, I gave them to a girl in our class that lives in Florida. :(

Gigi said...

So sad that you had to leave them. I guess he'll just have to buy you more now.

JacksonFamily said...

Way to go Ryan! He must have watched Dr Phil the other day! You deserve it Kristin!

Jennifer said...


Good work, Ryan!

Bowman Family said...

Way to go Ryan! Much better than the Costco Roses, right Kristin? How did he get the CD delivered? Amazing what you can do when you are in love!