Monday, July 02, 2007

I's three!

Our little girl is three! I can't even believe it. She is so grown up now. Her birthday was Sunday, so we had two days to celebrate. Saturday we went to see Ratatouille which was marvelous, then we had a swimming party and home made Cafe Rio salads. (thanks for the recipe Summer!) Then on her birthday, she got breakfast in bed along with a pedicure and a manicure. Then after church we had Gavin, Emily, Sharod, Tawnya, Kolby, Andrew, Tara, Jessylee, and Gigi over for dinner, cake and icecream. She was showered with awesome presents, thank you everyone! And of course, she had to have her Tinkerbell cake that she has been talking about non stop for the past four days! And even today when she talked to her cousin Claire, she had to tell her she had a Tinkerbell cake and it's almost gone. And another gift Gwen got, was that she gets to share her birthday with her new cousin, Marie Chantelle. Molly and Darren's newest baby. Congratulations guys!
So happy birthday to the raddest girl I know! I love you Gwen!


Lindsey said...

Happy Birthday, Gwen! She is such a beautiful little girl. Next time I'm in AZ lets get our kids together too!

Bowman Family said...

Happy Birthday Gwenny! Looks like you had a blast! Love the cake Kristin!!!

Unknown said...

Ok, Gwen is the cutest little girl ever..Happy Birthday! And the cake you made is adorable! You are the cutest...i want to get the cafe rio salad recipe from you too!

Anonymous said...

Ok, how fun is that! She is too stinkin' cute showing 3 on her fingers, LOL! I love her chubby cheeks, like Brooklyn's. Is it just me or is everyone having skinny alien-looking kids these days??? I love the chubbers. Sooo glad you loved that recipe, it seriously rocks my world. I wish I felt up to eating some right now, except Cafe Rio is just minutes away - HOORAY!!!! Can't wait to go when I feel better :) Happy Bday to Gwen!

PJC said...

Happy b-day Gwen and happy b-day Kristen!

Midlife Midwife said...

Happy Birthday Gwen. Wow, it seems like just yesterday that I was catching that adorable baby!

Stanford Family said...

Hey Kristin, I think your family is so cute. Gwen is a doll and reminds me so much of you. I feel bad that I haven't seen you guys in over three years. Last time I saw you, you were 8 months pregnant with Gwen. We really need to see each other more. Maybe we'll try to make a trip to AZ sometime this year-I would love to meet your kids. Your blog is so cute. We need to stay in touch. Love you guys-Crystal and Blake

Kaylani said...

What a cutie! Sounds like she had a great couple of days. My Blake turned 5 on Friday and that was crazy! They really do grow up WAY too fast!

Monica Mary said...

RYAN MCPHIE! This is Monica Statham (Giles) and I am having so much fun finding people through these blogs! What a darling family you have. I hope all is well -how is Emily? Does she have a blog???