Monday, July 16, 2007

INDEPENDENCE DAY!! ... a little late

Okay, I figured I better hurry and get this up before Drake and Jack's birthday tomorrow and have to get that up too.

We had an awesome Independence Day! We drove up to Utah to participate in the Christensen 4th of July extravaganza. We started the day (with only two hours of sleep) at the Provo parade. It was so cool, and where else will you see the missionaries walking in a parade with the Mission President and his wife riding in a sweet car?

After the parade, we had many fun games and swimming, and lots of yummy food. Then the culminating moments of the day...Cul-de-sac o' FIRE! The neighborhood gathers in the Christensen's cul de sac to march in the sparkler parade and watch the fireworks fly! We had so much fun and got eaten alive by mosquitos!

One night, we were up late playing Wii and Dan Barney (Emily's brother in law who just got his PhD in art) gave Emily and I henna tattoos. They were so cool, we got the "evil eye" on our hands. It's supposed to protect you from people who might be saying not so nice things about you.

We also had the opportunity to go to dinner with Josh and Summer Adams, then have dessert at Molly and Darren's. Molly's amazing! She just had a baby (Marie Chantel), but still made a cake for Gwen and I to blow out candles on for our birthdays. Thanks so much Molly, you're the greatest! And Emily's sweet mom Carol and niece Sunshine, also made me a cake for my birthday! Thank you so much! You don't know how much that meant to me! We had so much fun spending this amazing holiday with our friends and family.
We love our country so much and are so grateful to live here.
God Bless America!


Kaylani said...

Kristin, maybe I should post my 4th pics too! I'm so bad at the stuff that matters. It looks like you had fun and your pictures are all super cute...nice work!

Anonymous said...

That really was a fun vacation for you guys! I'm glad you got to make the trip out here and do so many fun things. Your tats were pretty cool. Do you still have them or did they wear off? Oh, and that last pic of Gwen is priceless! What a cute little face :)

Jennifer said...

Yaaay Utah! And happy late birthday to you and Gwennie and little Drake today!

Bella Beginnings said...

I have officially blown it this year with birthdays, So happy Late birthday from the 5th! Looks like you had a great time in Utah. The large chair photo is so cute!

Bowman Family said...

I love the pic at the top at the Chevron. I haven't seen that there before. Adorable family pic!

Happy B-day - again. It's a whole birthday month right. Enjoy it while you can you old lady!!!

Glad you had such a great vacation! I can't believe Drakers is 1 already!