Friday, June 29, 2007

Chick Fil A

So Tawnya calls me up Wednesday night to tell me that her and her friend Jaque are going to get in line at Chick Fil A and camp out so they can be one of the first 100 customers when it opens the next day, and therefore get a year supply of Chick Fil A for FREE!!! And they were wondering if I wanted to come? Um heck yes I do!! The kids are even in bed already! So we set up at tent, read magazines, and even invited others over for a SMORE party! We met some fun people and had lots of girl talk. Because the one thing we didn't do was sleep. It was too hot to sleep. It cooled down to like 80 degrees, but realize we were sleeping on the hot asphalt that didn't cool down. We had fun nonetheless. So at 4:45, they called everone from their tents to clean up, and get in line. I had my year's worth of coupons in my hands by 6:00 in the morning! Just enough time to make it home before Ryan left for work. I was able to do all that in the time my kids were sleeping. Too bad they were waking up when I got home and that meant no nap for Kristin. All in all it was a fantastic experience. It reminded me of something I would have done in college. I need to do more fun stuff like this so I don't turn into an old fart. The funny part about this-I'd never had Chick-Fil-A before. SO I didn't even know if it was good. Luckily they gave us samples and ice cream through out the night, so I found out it was worth it.


Bella Beginnings said...

That is so cool! I did not know they were doing this or I so would have been out there. I just really like their fries and salads! So fun. I am happy that you got to do a little spontaneous something.

Lindsey said...

You are too funny. I love it. A year's supply of Chick-fil-A. So great. I've only had it once or twice.

Bowman Family said...

That's awesome! You crack me up with how youthful you still are. Sounds like it was a blast!

Anonymous said...

What a fun idea!!!