Friday, May 25, 2007

I'm getting old

Tawnya and Jasmyn

My friend's birthday is today. Jasmyn Anderson. I love her so much! We were on cheer together in highschool and have been such good friends ever since. She's married to Joel and has an adorable son Kaden. Happy Birthday. Anyway she's 27 today, and my sister Tawnya just turned 27 on the 16th. So that got me thinking. I'm going to be 26 in two months! That's so weird. Last week, I don't remember who was asking or why, but I was asked my age, to which I replied "24". Ryan looked at me like I was joking-I wasn't. So he corrected me and told me I was 25. How could I have forgotten? That means on this next birthday I will no longer be in my early twenties, but in my LATE TWENTIES!! How did this happen? Last week one of my new favorite bands (This Providence) was playing at the Marquee theater with Quietdrive of which I'm also a fan. So Ryan and I went. While we were there we played a game: "Who here is older than us?". Honestly most the people there were teenagers! When did this happen? When I was their age all the good shows were 21 and over so I had a fake id to get into those shows (no, not to drink!). :) So the majority of the people there that were older than us were the parents who were chaperoning their kids.
At least Ryan will always be older than me. :) I love you Ryan!!


Allison said...

funny story...i went to the same place with beth clark a few months ago and we played the same game. i think the only people that actually were older than us were the parents of the jr. high kids that were there. oh. sad. by the way, your northwest pics. contributed to our trip. we've always wanted to go, but seeing the beautiful pictures you guys took sure helped. hope all is well.

IronLawGirl said...

I miss Beth. How is she? What show did you go to? Have fun in Seattle!

Anonymous said...

I totally hear you on this one. I'll be a whoppin' 29 in a few weeks, I'm older than Josh by 2 years and I feel sooo freakin' old cuz I'm in that "late twenties, almost 30" stage. It's so scary. I'm just NOW using SPF and using night cream. Why didn't I start this 15 years ago???? I'm looking like an old lady ;-)

IronLawGirl said...

Oh I'll bet Summer, you'll be one of those ladies that never ages! You'll always look awesome!

Midlife Midwife said...

Sorry, you won't be in your "late 20s" You will be in your "mid 20s" And if you want to talk old...just come see me!!!

whitney said...

as a girl in her late twenties, i'm also glad that i'll always be able too say that my husband is older than me, even if it's only by three months! :)

K said...
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Bowman Family said...

I was feeling good about being older than you until you posted this! At least I am only one month older. That still makes me wiser right?