Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy happy birthday!

We want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to
Uncle ETHAN!
He is currently serving in the Oakland, CA mission
and comes home in 3 months!
Ethan is the oldest of my younger brothers and we are so pround of him and how hard he has been working. This is a picture of him and a "friend" he made while tracting in Oakland. Ethan is very funny, and so smart! He (when he was home) was constantly building a taking apart computers. He loves to skate and play computer games but is also very ambitious (he's planning on being a dentist).
We love you Ethan and hope you have a wonderful birhtday full of spendid goodness! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe he's in Oakland. I'd be so scared :) But he is a doll. Man....the mission....such good memories. You'll love having him home soon and smile at all his little changes and quirks from the mission. And hearing the constant stories from an RM is so fun and exciting. I can't wait to have one of my kids serve.