Seriously, one day after Ryan called ASU and told them he was going to be going there, he had the moving truck and was packing up! So Friday I put in my two weeks (and yes I felt like a total moron since I've only been working here for two weeks!). Then Saturday Ryan packed up the moving truck, and it was really scary that there was more room in the truck this time than when we packed it up to come here-we got the same size truck! Then we had a nice break Saturday night when
Des and Josiah had us over to watch the UFC fights and have a BBQ. And since Ryan's birthday is Saturday, and I won't be there with him to celebrate, we made it a bday party for him too, Boston Cream Pie and all!
So I'm finishing up here, then will take my time heading home since I have no job to get home to. Ryan starts school Monday. Oh, and since everyone's been asking, we are renting a house in Gilbert, so we won't be in our old ward. :(
And in my preparations to be back in AZ, I'm looking for a preschool for Gwen. Last year she did Carol Billings preschool, and had a fantastic time. So good in fact that she is so excited to go to school again and everyday is asking me if I've found a preschool for her yet. Does anyone know of a preschool with openings still either in the east Mesa area, or our old 'hood?