Saturday, September 08, 2007

baby shower time

My super cute sister in law, Jessylee, is due any day now. Today my mom, sisters and I threw her a shower. We had such yummy food: stuffed strawberries, pasta salad, sweet and sour meatballs, caramel creamcheese brownies, etc. So anyway it was so much fun to get a bunch of girls together to celebrate the upcoming birth of baby Katie Curleyhair.
Also, my sister Tawnya whose house it was at, is pregnant! So they are going to need a bigger place so I am finally using my real estate license and am selling their house for them! Crazy.

p.s. i love this band, and am so happy this song was available!


Stanford Family said...

Hey, I'm actually the first to leave a comment instead of the last. The stuffed strawberries looked "very tasty". Is Tara pregno?

jen said...

Hey Kristin,
I didn't know that you lived out here. When was that? And that is great you have your real estate license.

IronLawGirl said...

Crystal-Yes, Tara is pregnant!
Jen- the shower was yesterday. :)

Kaylani said...

I'm totally impressed that you have a real estate license. I had no idea! Great job on the baby shower...what a great sister-in-law you are.

Bella Beginnings said...

I want those strawberries! Also, tell Tanya congrats! I am so excited for her. When is she due? What a fun time.
good worker on the real estate license. I took all the classes and then began teaching and never did finish the testing part. Another time in life! Good luck in this market... nothing seems to be selling!

Taylors said...

Umm hello! We are not telling Andrew's family yet that we are prego, and they look at your blogs too. Please just take it off the main part for now. thanks.

jen said...

Hey I forgot to ask you what you stuffed those strawberries with. They look so yummy!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, you look fabulous ;-) I love the cake, just darling! And you have your license? So cool. I've wanted to get mine forever but it would do me no good here. I should have done it in Austin. Gwen's first day of school pics below are just absolutely precious. I can't even imagine being there one day!

IronLawGirl said...

thank you!

and the strawberries are stuffed with cream cheese mixed with a little powdered sugar.