Friday, December 29, 2006


Chaching! Stocking time and Gwen cashed in!
In Kristin's stocking was an US Weekly subscription, and in Ryan's was a bag of coal! Maybe next year Ryan will be a good boy.
Gwen turned out to be an expert present opener. But it did take a while. Because as she would open a present, she would want me to take it out of the box so she could play with it for a little bit before she'd move on to the next one. And toys these days are so screwed into the packaging you need a chainsaw to get them out!
Perhaps the best present the girls got! For two days Gwen and Claire were Snow White and Belle respectively. They LOVED their dresses so much! Thanks Grammy!!

Drake was such a good little boy. He slept through just about all of the present opening, but was still so happy. Maybe the key to his happiness is his beautiful pink and purple sassy passy?


Taylors said...

Holy freakin crap Drake looks so cute in that picture!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the matching pj's and the dress-up outfits. When Brooklyn finally gets that kinda stuff, I'm totally buying them. *YAY* I get to relive my childhood through her ;-) ha! It's fun having girls. I can't believe how big Drake is growing. Nice Joseph costume, Ry! Happy New Year to all of you :)