Gwen shows her BYU spirit even though she won't be going with us to the BYU vs. UofA game Saturday. Gwen loves her jammies that Grandpa got her because it's a BIG shirt. And when she's wearing it, she points to it and says "Shirt. Big", while shaking her head yes.
He's our smilie little guy! When he's in one of his smiling moods, he is non stop. Gwen loves getting him to smile too. She gets in front of his face, starts shaking her head and says in her little high pitched voice, "hiiiiio, hiiiiio, hiiiiio."
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Drake no longer looks like a newborn and is already a big baby! And Gwen is so cute, she's learned about plugging her ears and today, she was carrying around her lunch box and just looking through the handle at me.
August 16th, Ryan turned 29!! We had friends and family over for a sweet Superman birthday party! It took Ryan several blows to finally get all the candles out. :) hehehe
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
August 7, 2006
We took a weekend trip to California August 6-8. Gwen loves the ocean, even though the water was freezing. She had so much fun chasing around the seaguls!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Gwen's so talented, look what she can do!
Drake celebrated his first two weeks of life on Earth by taking his first "real" bath, and then lounging around the house in his dog robe.