We were called the Hot Cops because we had a cop on our team, and us Arrested Development lovers thought it was a perfect fit.
And I can assure you by the end of the race, our van of girls were on the ragnasty side of the meter. The other girls, well they snuck away for a shower!
Here we are at the start. Good thing we showed up early! We thought we were supposed to start at 7:40, but were supposed to start at 7:00.
And here's Destinee shooting out of the start at 7:20. (we had to start fashionably late)
Me on my first leg. This was my sweet eBay cop outfit.
Kaylani and I ran into some girls from our running club, the Cheetah Girls. They're so stinkin' cute!
I believe if I took votes, this was my best outfit. Something about underwear lines, granny panties, and hot pink legs that really works for me.

This is Destinee (our team captain) busting us girls up. So typical!

The Tahoe was tight quarters for us gals in the back. Lucky we love each other, and lucky I changed my outfit after every run... right girls?!

Nothing like watching the sunrise with your girl friends for the second morning in a row!
My last leg was running from Fountain Hills up the Beeline to Gilbert Road. This was the only leg of the whole relay where you couldn't have your team offer support (water, skittles, gum) to you during your leg. It turned out to be harder than I thought! I'm a big drink and runner. ;) They did have a water table half way, but I drink every two miles and this leg was 8.5 miles! Plus it was actually pretty warm, so I had drunk all the water from my water belt by about 6 miles! So at 7.5 miles I was ecstatic to see my sweet Gwenny, hot hubby, and my mom and dad cheering me on! It gave me the extra umphh to finish that last mile.

SOOOO much fun. Full of "victories" and sweat in all the right places!!!!
Congrats! I'm totally impressed!
what a cool race! that looks like so much fun. and you look like one hot mama!!
good job ladies! thats way too much running for me. I'm pretty sure I would have died.
And Gwens hair has gotten SO long!!!
Holy Cow! You run races like they're going out of style. You are amazing!!!
Kristin...I think you are the only person in the world that can make those hot pink leggings look amazing.
Serious Congratulations! That's quite an accomplishment
I'm glad that you finished safely and had fun! I do have to say that I personally think it's crazy for anyone to run that far, for that long just "for fun"!!
You're awesome!
WOW, that looks like so much fun. What a fun challenge. Perfect weather in AZ for that this time of year as well. Love your outfits! Especially the socks!
Gee, we drove past the Ragnar runners on our way to Phoenix. Wish I had known to look for you!!!
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