I've had a bit of a secret over the last couple months.
I've been applying to law school!
And Wednesday we found out I'm in!!

It's going to be crazy!! My first semester will be Ryan's last, so we can say hi and pass notes at school. Cute. But juggling the house work will be difficult. Seriously, every Monday I do laundry and go grocery shopping and that takes me just about all day. Then I try to clean house on Tuesday. What am I going to do without those days? I'd like a cleaning service, but that costs moola. Poopy. Then there's also the kids. Hopefully I can get my classes so that they're all during the day and I'll still be able to drop Gwen off at school, and be done in time to pick her up. Also I'm crossing my fingers I'll be able to get Drake into the preschool on ASU's campus so I could bring him with me. Wow. There's a lot! But I can do it!!!
I think
wow kristen! that's amazing! i'm so impressed.... you are so ambitious! you're going to do great. everything will work out.
So cool! Congrats Kristin! And good luck. :)
congrats! what don't you do?!!!
WOW! way to go! what a woman. i'm sure it will all work out. i am totally rooting for you. you will give me hope for when i get to back to school again someday.
Congrats...that is awesome and I'm sure it will all work out for you.. Good for you!
You are too amaizing!!!Best wishes and I know everything will work out.
I'm so proud of you! You're like superwoman!!
You are a freakin' Rockstar....but then I have known that for a while now:) You are way more ambitious than me....I will still be doing laundry and doing housework while you turn into Erin Brokavich!
That is so exciting!!! Of course you can do it. Just lower your standard of what clean it, and what food should look/taste like, and you will be fine. Just don't forget to blog about how well you are balancing your busy life. I look at your blog like I look at NieNie's, because you are always so positive and rockstar.
holy cow!! congrats!! You're amazing!
Thank you everybody!!! I'm terrified, but your encouragement helps!
Congrats Kristin!! On the laundry/housework thing... I just discovered flylady.net. Maybe you've already heard of it but her philosophy is to do a little bit each day, focusing on a different task each day and a different zone each week. And one load of laundry each day. I'm not extremely familiar since I just found it but it might help you juggle everything?? I'm sure you'll do great like you do at everything else!!
Congrats!!! You'll do great!
holy cow! good for you for going to law school. you are so freaking amazing!
Wow smartypants!! Congrats, that's awesome! And good luck...let me know if you need help with anything!
I had no idea you were even interested in law...wish we were there to help with the kids. You are awesome. What an opportunity! And such a great example to your kids! GO MCPHIES!!!
Yahoo for you! It must have been those stellar recommendations huh? ha ha Good job my friend.
totally didn't see that coming! congratulations girl! What guts you have! You will be great :)
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