I spent the last few days being a cabin mom for our ward's 3rd years up at girls camp last week. The theme was Boot Camp, and our ward was the Bomb Squad. We also were the bomb!!!!

Seriously I was so impressed with our skit. Skit themes aren't assigned until the bus ride up to camp, so in a day and a half we threw together a super duper funny skit. Nice work on that Sister Tolman!

My partner in crime, Kaylani and I. All I can say is I can hit a flee off a dog's back at 200 yards.

We also went repelling and I went COMMANDO for my first time. That means I went down face first.

You need someone to catch you at the bottom, or you're face planted into the bushes.

We're the ones who braved it commando style. The two on the right are our YCLs, Corbyn and Hannah.

And this is what happens when you're a YCL and fall asleep before the rest of the cabin. I like how Corbyn in the background has one mustache line. (she woke up while I was drawing it)

They got Kaylani and I back. What you don't see is the wet spots from the water balloons they also nailed us with.
Girls Camp was a blast! I'm so glad I had the opportunity to go and get to know the great girls in our ward and also to feel the spirit.
And happy birthday to my beautiful little Gwenny!!! Today she's six! And am I the only one who cries the night before a kids birthday? They just grow so fast, and last night as I was kissing 5 year old Gwen good bye it was just too much. But here's to a great year with my SIX year old Gwenny!! But please stop growing now. I'm fine with her being six for a couple of years. :)
Oh that looks like fun! I bet the girls just loved you. And I cant believe Gwen is SIX!! I wish I were down there to help celebrate. I've got a b-day present for her here I just need to get some other stuff together before I send off the package.
You'd be so fun to camp with! Happy birthday Gwen! I was totally sad when Ansley turned one. I don't expect it'll stop when she turns two.
Looks like you managed to balance being the authority figure and having fun! I wish you had been my cabin mom; I always had old boring ladies.
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