If you didn't know, you do now. We're poor. Honestly I was stingy before, but law school has turned me into a coupon clipping, ad-matching, re-use everything queen just to save a buck. So when Ryan got a couple of good grades in for this last semester I thought we'd celebrate with some Chinese food.

Enter Panda Express. Ryan loves it. So I suggested it because I wanted to make him happy, and I had a coupon. Buy a two item combo, get a free Panda bowl. So we go, order our food and upon paying the girl at the register read the small print and then said that this coupon wasn't good at their location!!! The nerve. Oh, we're really sorry that someone else paid for advertising and YOU are getting the customers. I can't believe she just didn't take the coupon. So I'm on a Panda strike, and I encourage all to avoid the Panda Express on University and Gilbert. Grrrrrr.
Onto better things. My Buster Brown is in primary now!! Here's my little Sunbeam on his first day.

He did great! Went right in with no problems and loved it! He sang, participated and even tried to go up front and talk in the microphone.
Yesterday I was working all day, catering for Nancy Jo. So Ryan stepped up and took the kids to the Railroad Park.

Even though he had the kids at the park all day, he still wasn't the world's greatest dad because unfortunately this guy still holds the title.

Yea for Ryan! Boo for lame coupons. Your little sunbeam is super cute. :) And hahahaha about that shirt.
Stupid Panda.....I can't stand it when people are so nit picky on coupons. It's not like you tried to use a Jamba Juice coupon there.
I had no idea you guys had a blog! So great to see you all again...we will definitely stay posted and visit often.
P.S. Have you guys ever watched "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia"? Our new #1 show. It's on FX but we just started season 2 online. Holy crap -- totally inappropriate and politically incorrect. We laugh so hard.
WISH YOU LIVED CLOSER. AND p.s. when are you going to run a marathon?!
sweet. mom got drake and jack the exact same outfit for christmas!! I'll have to get a pic of Jack next time he wears it.
and I think you need to get an airbrushed shirt for Ryan with a half naked pic of you on the hood of a car saying that HE is the best dad in the world
Come on, even though that cheeseball has the shirt I'd still say that Ryan gets major kudos for taking them to the park all day AND taking pictures!! What dad actually documents the day's events?!
And I'll strike Panda Express with you....I hate it anyway!!! But I feel your frustration, that's a very stupid situation!!
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