Saturday, March 28, 2009


I have a cyber stalker.  Seriously.  One of my ex-boyfriends has hacked into my email several times, and even had the nerve to set up mail forwarding to him-so that all of the emails sent to me would also be forwarded to him.  Psycho I know.  But despite my asking him to leave me alone, and to stop checking my blog, he still checks my blog all the time!  So here's the question, I'd like to just block the computers he uses from accessing my blog.  Is that possible?  I don't want to go totally private, because I love the convenience of things like google reader, and really only remember to check my friends private blogs every now and then.  I assume there are other people like me who understand why people go private, but love ease of checking non-private blogs.  Do I let one person ruin it for everybody else?  Oh....what to do?


Billy and Nikki said...

maybe if your weren't so hat he would leave you alone! creepy

amberbuck said...

totally stumbled across your blog from Brooke Nelsons, two words...restraining order. Hacking into someones e-mail is against the law, big time, so I would go straight to the police girl! Seriously, this is your life and your one messes with that.

Rushele said...

I'm with Amber, it is completely illegal and totally freaky that he would go to these lengths to be "a part of your life". It's sick!!
And, if you're really not wanting to go private then you should try specifically to get him blocked!
Sorry to hear that someone is bothering you so much!

Jennifer said...

Kristin, ew. Tell him to get a life. Also, yes, you can specifically block his IP address, if you know what it is. I know some people that did it, though I don't know how... I will investigate this.

IronLawGirl said...

Jennifer, yes I have the IP addresses!!! That would be awesome :)

DARA said...

WOW! Scary and creepy. I agree a restraining order is in order. You can get one very easily but there needs to be a record of this creep. sorry to hear this is happening to you. Sweet Kristen!

Jeppesen Family said...

So that really sucks. I'm so sorry. I totally agree with you about the private blog. I don't like when ppl go private, b/c then I have to get them to invite me before I can view, and what if it's a long lost friend who I have no other way to get in touch with except by blog? Also, I like it when long lost friends find my blog. ANyway, I wish I could give you advice and help you out, but I can just sympathize.
And if that guy is reading this, you are a jerk and you should leave Kristin alone (that's the best I got)

IronLawGirl said...

Kassidy, you're awesome!

R Cadina said...

Eww!!! He's most definitely reading! And...seriously I second everyone else! Call the police! Get a restraining order! Also, I'm ok if you go private cuz that is soooo wrong! :0\ But, if you sure to invite me! What does Ryan think about it all? UGH!!! Sorry you're dealing with that!

Chelsea said...

do what you have to do to protect yourself and your family. go private and/or change your blog address. you can change the address without losing all of your posts, etc. blocking his IP address is one step, but he can just as easily go to someone else's home or a public place to access your blog. finally, absolutely get a restraining order and press charges. the guy obviously needs some sort of professional mental help if he thinks it's okay to violate the privacy of someone he really doesn't know anymore.